Past Events

Term Dates and Calendars

Summer Term 2024

  • Saturday, 5th October 2024 — Ryder Golf Cup @ the Golf Club 7 Fontaines, Braine l’Alleud.
  • Sunday, 29th September 2024 — Oxford vs Cambridge Croquet Match, Genval.

Victorious! Croquet 2024

Easter Term 2024

  • Monday, 15th April 2024 – Dr Kenneth Lasoen, former CamSoc VP and Professor of Intelligence at the University of Antwerp, spoke about “How Counterintelligence and Counterdeception are Essential to the Fight. Disinformation in a historical and practical context” at the Au Vieux Saint Martin on the Sablon.
  • Weekend, 12th to 14th April – Oxbridge Netherlands, Spring Weekend Walking Trip in the Ardennes.

Lent Term 2024

  • Saturday, 30th March 2024 – The Oxford v Cambridge Boat Race at the Wild Rover.
  • Sunday, 24th March 2024, 10:00 – Emmanuel Choir will sing mass. More news soon.
  • Saturday, 23rd March 2024, 20:00 – Emmanuel Choir Concert at the National Basilica – the Koekelberg. Concert programme will include Vierne, Rachmaninov, Górecki, Parsons.
  • Friday, 22nd March 2024 – “Meet the Emmanuel Choir” for an apéro, 17:30 to 19:00, Chez Nigel and Anna
  • Tuesday, 19th March 2024 – Oxbridge Mixer at the Kamilou (we will be upstairs) from 18:30 onwards.
  • Sunday, 17th March 2024 – King’s Cambridge Voices, director Ralph Woodward – Evensong in Louvain at the Chapel of St Martha and St Mary at 5.00pm.
  • Sunday, 17th March 2024 – King’s Cambridge Voices, director Ralph Woodward – Eucharist at Holy Trinity at 10.30 am.
  • Saturday, 16th March 2024 – King’s Cambridge Voices, director Ralph Woodward – Evensong in the Chapel for Europe at 5.00pm.
  • Monday, 11th March 2024 – Cambridge University Belgian Society Black-Tie Dinner, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
  • Saturday, 17th February 2024, 5pm – the Brussels Evensong Choir perform at the Holy Trinity Church. Introit – Hear my prayer – Purcell, Preces and Responses – Smith, Second Evening Service – Byrd, Anthem – Beati Quorum – Stanford.
  • Friday,  9th February 2024 – Cambridge Society of Belgium’s 30th Anniversary Dinner Dance, Cercle Royal Gaulois. Guest Speaker: Baroness Hale of Richmond.

    Baronness Hale, Annual Dinner 2024

  • Saturday, 6th January 2024 – Oxbridge Twelfth Night Carol Singing.

Michaelmas Term 2023

  • Sunday, 17th December 2023 – Cambridge Christmas Party.
  • Thursday, 7th December 2023 – Oxford Annual Dinner. Club Royal des Officiers du Régiment des Guides.
  • Tuesday, 28th November 2023 – Oxbridge Mixer @ the Kamilou.
  • Wednesday, 22nd November 2023 – Harvard Leadership Prize Event.
  • Tuesday, 14th November 2023 – INSEAD Innovator Prize Event for Tomorrowland
  • Monday, 6th November 2023- General Assembly of the Society. Generously hosted by Linklaters LLP.
  • Tuesday, 31st October 2023 – Halloween Oxbridge Mixer @ the Kamilou.
  • 24th to 28th October 2023 – “King Charles III” (Trinity). The Brussels Shakespeare Society celebrated one of Cambridge’s famous alumni with a play.
  • Monday, 16th October 2023 – IMD Event “Is Hydrogen sustainable?”

Summer Term 2023

  • Friday, 29th September 2023 – English Speaking Theatre Masquerade Gala.
  • Tuesday, 19th September 2023 – Joint Fresher’s Event and Oxbridge Mixer at the Kamilou.
  • Sunday, 10th September 2023 – Annual Oxford versus Cambridge Croquet Match in Genval.
  • Friday, 8th to Sunday, 10th September 2023 – Joint Event with the Oxford Alumni and the Oxbridge Society of the Netherlands.
  • Saturday, 29th July – Grand Summer Festival of La Table Ronde de l’Architecture.
  • Tuesday, 25th July, Cambridge Joint Summer Garden Party in Paris.
  • Sunday, 18th June 2023 – Cambridge Society BBQ at the President’s Residence (full members and families only).
  • Saturday, 3rd June 2023 – Ryder Group Golf Championship at the Kampenhout Golf Course.
  • Thursday, 30th March 2023 – Wiener Anspach Foundation Lecture by Chris Bickerton (College of Europe)
  • Tuesday, 21st March 2023 – David Harley, talk and dinner in Luxembourg.

Easter Term 2023

  • Thursday, 27th April 2023  – Cambridge Society of Belgium Annual Dinner 2023 at the Cercle Gaulois with Michael Pye as Speaker and Guest of Honour.

Lent Term 2023

  • Sunday, 26th March 2023 – Oxford v Cambridge Boat Race at the Wild Geese from 4pm onwards.
  • Thursday, 9th March 2023 – University of Chicago Economic Outlook Dinner.
  • Tuesday, 7th March 2023 – Wiener Anspach Lecture! Professor Matthew Reynolds on Prismatic Translation.
  • Thursday, 9th March 2023 – University of Chicago Economic Outlook Dinner. See newsletter for details.
  • Tuesday, 7th March 2023 – Wiener Anspach Lecture! Professor Matthew Reynolds on Prismatic Translation. See newsletter for details.
  • Tuesday, 28th February 2023 — Queens Alumni. Special event in Brussels. See newsletter or contact us or Queens alumni office for details.
  • Saturday, 18th February 2023 – Oxford Visit to a Chocolate Workshop. See newsletter for details.
  • Wednesday, 15th February 2023 – Harvard Club of Belgium Dinner & Speaker. “Is Economic Growth and Capitalism compatible with the Fight Against Climate Change? Dinner with Interactive discussion with economist/author Alessio Terzi”. Full information in our newsletter
  • Tuesday, 7th February 2023 – Oxbridge Mixer at the Kamilou. Full information in our newsletter.
  • Sunday, 29th January 2023 – The Brussels Evensong Choir invitation to a concert. See newsletter for details.
  • Thursday, 26th January 2023 – Brigette Adès, “Symbiosis, the key to our survival in today’s world”, Oxford event. Full information in our newsletter.

Michaelmas Term 2022

  • Tuesday, 13th December 2022, Lutz Güllner will speak to us on “The EEAS’s efforts to detect and counter Russian disinformation against the EU”, this is a joint Yale, Johns Hopkins and Cambridge event. Not to be missed. Full information in our newsletter and see link.
  • Sunday, 11th December 2022, The Cambridge Xmas Party at the “President’s Residence” 3pm. Save the date. Information and sign-up form in our newsletter.
  • Saturday, 17th December 2022, Evening Xmas Carol Concert — save the date. Full information in our newsletter.
  • Monday, 5th December 2022, annual Oxford dinner.
  • Saturday, 26th November 2022, La Table Ronde de l’Architecture visit in Ghent.
  • Monday, 14th November 2022 — Mixer at the WYYZ Bar Aloft

Summer Term 2022

  • Monday, 26th September 2022 — Mixer and Freshers Event at the Kamilou Joseph II
  • Sunday, 11th September 2022 — Our Annual Croquet Match against “the other place”. See details together with the event report here
  • Monday, 20th June 2022 — Oxbridge Mixer at the Kamilou – Joseph II
  • Thursday, 19th May 2022 — The Cambridge Annual Dinner at le Cercle Gaulois. We were thrilled to welcome Sam Fleming as our Speaker and Guest of Honour. See here.

Lent Term 2022

  • Sunday, 4th April 2022 — Oxford versus Cambridge Boat Race at the Wild Geese

Michaelmas Term 2021

  • Monday, 6th December 2021  – University of Chicago Blues Event. Invitation only from our University of Chicago friends.
  • Tuesday, 30th November 2021 – Jonathan Faull speaks at the Amigo. Invitation only from our Oxford friends.
  • Tuesday, 23rd November 2021 – Oxbridge Mixer. All Cantabs (paid-up or not) welcome from 18:30 onwards at the WXYZ bar. Bring a friend.
  • Sunday, 17th October 2021 — Annual Croquet Match in Genval against Oxford 2021. See here for event report & details.

Summer Term 2021 — Just starting to organise face-to-face events again

Easter Term 2021 — Pandemic improving

Lent Term 2021 — Pandemic

  • Wednesday, 6th January 2021 — Oxford Society in Belgium held an online ZOOM Quiz. (Cambridge won! Congratulations Simon Smith and his “Brussels Sprouts”)

Michaelmas Term 2020 — Pandemic

  • Monday, 21st December 2020 — Online Christmas Event

Summer Term 2020 — Pandemic

Lent Term 2020

  • Wednesday, 4th March 2020 — Mixer with Oxford at the WXYZ of the Aloft Hotel.
  • Friday, 28th February 2020 — The Cambridge Annual Dinner at le Cercle Gaulois. We were thrilled to welcome AC Grayling as our Speaker and Guest of Honour. See here.Wednesday, 5th February 2020 — Mixer with Oxford at the WXYZ of the Aloft Hotel.
  • Saturday, 18th January 2020 —  Company Visit of IBA in LLN. A Joint Cambridge Harvard Event. A preliminary event report is here.
  • Wednesday, 8th January 2020 — Mixer with Oxford at the WXYZ of the Aloft Hotel.

Michaelmas Term 2019

  • Monday, 16th December 2019 — Joint Oxford Cambridge Mixer at the WYYZ bar at the Aloft Hotel.
  • Sunday, 15th December 2019 — The famous Cambridge Christmas Party. 5pm onwards.
  • Friday 22nd November 2019 —  we invited Martin Shearman, the new British Ambassador, to lunch with our Committee. We had a very pleasant meeting where we got to know each other a little more and discussed cooperation. We are happy that he has accepted to be made an honorary member of the Cambridge Society.
  • 2nd October 2019 — Mixer with Oxford and LSE,  at the WYYZ bar
  • 24th September 2019 — ImproBubble! The Oxford and Cambridge Society had a great evening of improvised mirth and merriment, led by one of ours! SOLD OUT!! Details here.
  • … watch this space.

Summer Term 2019

  • 15th September 2019 — Camsoc Late Summer Barbecue (family friendly BYO) “Steve’s Place” — Photos here.
  • 25th August 2019 — Oxford versus Cambridge Croquet Match, Genval. See here for the photos and a poetical account!
  • 16th July 2019, 18:30 — Oxford and Cambridge Mixer at the WXYZ Bar
  • 19th June 2019 — Our Cambridge Summer Cocktail at the beautiful historic Prague House. See here for details and photos.
  • 28th June 2019 — The Cambridge Society of Belgium said goodbye to Alison Rose, the British Ambassador and Alumna, over lunch at the British Ambassador’s Residence today. Zena arranged this lunch to let us thank Alison for all the good work she has undertaken over the last 5 years supporting the Society and Belgium’s British community. She will join Newnham College as its Principal in September.

    Goodbye Alison Rose Lunch

    Ambassador Rose’s Departure Lunch

Lent Term 2019

  • Wednesday, 17th April 2019 — Our Annual General Meeting. Join us to listen and we encourage all of you to run for a position on our Society’s committee. Details here.
  • Sunday,  7th April  2019 — The Oxford v Cambridge Boat Race.  Details here.
  • Thursday, 4th April — Our Vice-Chancellor was in Brussels at the Fondation Wiener-Anspach for the renewal of the MoU between Oxbridge, ULB and the Fondation, the Vice-Chancellors of Cambridge and Oxford will come to Brussels and were eager to meet the Oxbridge Alumni
  • 5th March 2019 — Spring Drinks with Matija and Zena. Join Cambridge and friends at the Pharmacie Anglaise (Coudenberg 66, 1000 Bruxelles) next Tuesday, between 19.30 and 21.30. More details here.
  • 21st February 2019 — Yale mixer at à la Becasse. We had a surprisingly large turnout for this first Yale event of its type in Brussels. John Hopkins, Columbia, Harvard as well at Cantabs were there en masse.
  • 19th February 2019 — Oxbridge mixer at the WXYZ Bar
  • 31st January 2019 — Our 25th Anniversary Dinner. We celebrated the founding of the Society in 1994 at the Cercle Royal Gaulois with Catherine Barnard. The exact date of our founding was 28th January 1994.

Michaelmas Term 2018

  • 19th December 2018 — Camsoc Luxembourg Student-Alumni Dinner that at the Hotel Parc Belair  at 7:30pm.
  • 16th December 2018 — Camsoc Christmas Party and also Beethoven’s Birthday! A great time was had.
  • 15th December 2018 –Camsoc Paris, Gonville & Caius Choir. 20:00 Eglise St Pierre de Chaillot, 31 avenue Marceau, 75008 Paris 
  • 12th December 2018  — Oxford and Cambridge Christmas Mixer from 7pm onwards. WWYZ Bar — open to all Cantab (and the other place) alumni and guests. Information and registration necessary see here.
  • 7th December 2018 — Gala music concert of the Belgian King’s personal orchestra and the elite band of the Belgian armed forces, the Royal Symphonic Band of the Guides. — All seats gone
  • 5th November 2018 — The Harvard Club of Belgium invited us to their: 2018 LEADERSHIP PRIZE | AWARD CEREMONY –  | Seated Dinner — see here for more details.
  • 24th October 2018 — The Stanford Alumni of Belgium invited us to a: Talk by Leah Weiss, Stanford Professor. Click on the link for more details.
  • 23rd October 2018 —  Our Special Event on Belgian Culinary History – places limited – see here for details
  • 5th October 2018 — The Harvard Club of Belgium invited us to a: Panel Discussion on Islam & Democracy – | Seated Dinner — see here for more details.
  • Summer 2018
  • 28th September 2018  — YPFP Brussels celebrated 10 successful years of fostering the next generation of foreign policy leaders in Brussels! €35 — see here for more details.
  • 27th September 2018 1pm — A Brussels Square was named after Jo Cox. The Square is located at the back of the Ancienne Belgique, a place she frequented when she lived and worked in Belgium. Jo Cox was an alumna of Pembroke College (1995). The Society therefore fully supports this gesture by the city and invites all its members to join the inauguration ceremony and commemorate a fellow Cantab fallen in service of her people with a strong Oxbridge showing. Our President attended representing the University and our Vice President attended representing Pembroke College. See the event invitation here:
  • 18th September 2018 — Populism — A Talk by Anton Jäger.  Excellent event — photos to be posted soon.
  • 11th September 2018 — LSE Event — A talk on “Breaking the Cycle of Radicalisation between far right, far left, and terrorist groups”.
  • 10th September 2018 — Joint Oxbridge Freshers’ Welcome Event.
  • 2nd September 2018 — Cambridge Summer BBQ — a great time was had by all. Even the sun shone!
  • 24th June 2018 – Annual Croquet Match with Oxford at Genval. See here to get a flavour of what a wonderful event last year’s was. More information about our 2018 event here.
  • 21st June 2018 – Cambridge Summer Cocktail. After the wonderful success last year we decided to make this an annual event. We welcomed Dr Johan Verbeke, DG of the Egmont Royal Institute of International Relations to De Markten.  More details here and see last year’s event in 2017.
  • 18th June 2018 — Brussels in the Middle Ages — Roel Jacobs spoke at the historical Balassi Institute (near St Gudule). More information here.


  • 9th June 2018 — The Evensong features some of the greatest composers of choral music for us to enjoy including Serge Rachmaninov, Charles Ives, William Byrd and ending with the world premiere of a specially commissioned anthem by Stevie Wishart (Cantab). Please see here.
  • 5th June 2018 – Harvard Club of Belgium invitation to Barbara Guggenheim Dinner at Westerlo Castle of the Princes de Mérode . Please see here. Note that GUEST fees apply (€100 per person) for none Harvard Members. It was a wonderful event with around 100 persons attending.
  • 30th May 2018 — Mixer with Oxford. Launch event of Humans of the EU. (Click here). Our special guest wasSoundous Boualam (Cantab). “Mostly based in Brussels, this project aims to create an ongoing and exhaustive catalogue of the human face of the E.U.” See more about her project here.
  • 16th May 2018 — Harvard Club Lunch-debate with European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici — Cantabs welcome, please see your email invitation or contact us.  Please note that this event was CANCELLED.
  • 12th May 2018 — Queen Elisabeth Music Competition – Concours Reine Elisabeth — all tickets sold out (three private boxes) but we have started a waiting list. Email invitation only ==> Great success.
  • 4th May 2018 — Oxford & Cambridge Admissions Conference @ Linklaters Brussels
  • 2nd May 2018 — Yale Dinner invitation – “Michael Birnbaum” Washington Post’s Bureau Chief in Brussels – “The challenges and perils of covering transatlantic affairs as a journalist in the Trump Era”. It was a splendid evening.
  • 24th April 2018 – Oxford Society Event – All Cantabs Welcome — Student Jam at Jazz Station.


  • 14th April 2018 – Speaker Event with Cambridge Academic — Prof Ross Anderson @ le Cercle des Voyageurs — “On Tracing Stolen Bitcoin”
  • 10th April 2018 – Mixer with LSE & “The Other Place” – WYYZ Bar, Aloft Hotel
  • 24th March 2018 — Boat race gathering with “The Other Place”. We won both the Women’s and the Men’s. “The Other Place” won both bottles of bubbly.
  • 27th February 2018 — Mixer with our friends from “The Other Place” with Ricardo Borges de Castro as Speaker. A fascinating event giving some unique and personal insights into the working of the EU.
  • 13th February 2018 — Annual General Meeting — was well attended and surprisingly dynamic.
  • 25th January 2018 — Annual Dinner — — Annual Dinner  at the “Club des Officers du Premier Regiment de Guides“, with Prof Bill Nuttall. A renowned academic, researcher and expert on issues of technology and policy. Photos are here


  • 17th December 2017 — Sunday at 4:30pm,  Our Christmas Gathering (mince pies and all) ==> Great success — photos are here
  • 13th December 2017 — Oxford Society of Belgium — Cambridge lecturer Christine van Ruymbeke has agreed to speak about her area of study: Persian art and literature. More about Dr van Ruymbeke here: van Ruymbeke
  • 7th December 2017 — Social Mixer with Oxford Alumni & Kings College London
  • 1st December 2017 — Gala Concert of the Royal Symphonic Band of the Belgian Guides
  • 15th November 2017 — Yale Dinner with Tomáš Valášek as speaker (exclusive to members) ==> It was a fascinating speech and discussion on the need for a Pan EU Defence Force.

    Dinner with Yale November 2017

    Dinner with Yale in November 2017

  • 13th November 2017 — Social Mixer: Oxford, Cambridge and Club Alpbach Brussels




  • 2nd May the Oxford and Cambridge Admissions Conference for new students was held at Linklaters LLP, Brussels. A few of the Camsoc Committee members attended to share their experiences. Next year we will try to make this event more open to the general membership, especially to recent students who can give the most recent experience. The turnout was excellent with around 50 people.
  • 27th April the Wiener-Anspach Foundation officially launched their Alumni Network. The Foundation provides scholarships to students of ULB to study at Oxford and Cambridge Universities. We know several of the Cambridge Alumni had the benefit of these scholarships. If you wish to know more about this new alumni network please contact or the Foundation directly.
  • 9th February 2017 Annual Dinner, Brussels;
  • 30th January 2017 Science Po’ Mixer, Brussels;

    Mixer with Club Alpbach & Oxford

    Mixer with Club Alpbach & Oxford

  • 25th January 2017 General Meeting of the Cambridge Society of Belgium


  • 18th April 2016 Oxford and Cambridge Lunch: “Becoming a JPD is not rocket science”, Brussels;
  • 18th May 2016 Talk “Intelligence and security in Belgium: a historical perspective”, Brussels;
  • 30th May 2016 Oxbridge Mixer with NYU (Drinks), Brussels;
  • 7th June 2016 Informal Drinks and Career Development Advice, Brussels;
  • 23rd June 2016 Brexit Referendum Drinks with Oxford & LSE, Brussels;
  • 26th June 2016 Oxford vs. Cambridge Croquet, Genval;
  • 27th June 2016 Oxford / Cambridge / John Hopkins MIXER, Brussels;
  • 3rd July 2016 Garden Visit, Botanic Gardens, Meise;


Previous events