“First Monday drinks with the College of Europe” 2nd February 2015

Our next "First Monday" meeting will be with the College of Europe. On Monday, 2 February, we will have our "Oxbridge meets College of Europe" mixer. We hope that you can join us for this occasion.

We will meet at the bar of the Aloft Brussels Schuman hotel on Monday, 2 February, from about 6.30pm onwards.


Doors will remain open throughout the night, so you are welcome to join these informal drinks at any time which you will find convenient.

The Aloft Brussels has reserved us a space that you will easily recognise upon entering the bar.

The bar is close to Schuman metro station. Address: Place Jean Rey 3, 1040 Brussels.

(Click here for a link to the address on Google Maps:https://goo.gl/maps/rsQpd)

Please pass along the invitation to the drinks evening to any fellow Oxonians or Cantabs who may be interested.

Participation in the mixer on 2 February is free, but prior registration is required. You are cordially invited to bring along fellow alumni who may not have heard yet of our "First Monday" events.

Please sign up via our guest list:
