Lecture 30th January 2013 “Vanished Kingdoms” - Norman Davies

Invitation from the Oxford Society of Belgium:

The historian Norman Davies (Magdalen, 1959-62) is giving a lecture at the BELvue museum on Wednesday January 30th at 20.00, based on his newly published book ‘Vanished Kingdoms: The History of Half-Forgotten Europe’.

The lecture is free, though pre-reservation is advised, you can find details here: http://belvue.be/en/node/494 .

This looks like being a most interesting talk, the book has received widespread critical acclaim



http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/bookreviews/8853247/Vanished-Kingdoms-the-History-of-Half-Forgotten-Europe-by-Norman-Davies-review.html )

and likely to provoke lively debate; if enough Oxbridge Society members are interested we could adjourn afterwards to a nearby hostelry to continue our discussion.

If you do decide to register with the organisers (the deBuren Association) with the intention of going do let me know as well and I will see about making the post-talk arrangements.

Best regards

Carol de Lusignan (carol.delusignan@skynet.be)

Secretary, Oxford Society of Belgium


So if you plan to attend, please:

1) register for free at http://www.deburen.eu/nl/programma/detail/vergeten-koninkrijken-norman-davies-in-gesprek-met-luuk-van-middelaar (that website is in Dutch, but the event will be in English); and

2) at best send an email to the Oxford Hon. Secretary (carol.delusignan@skynet.be) or indicate here in this event announcement within the next few days that you will attend.